Joanna Davies Reflexology & Reiki Reflexologist & Reiki Master in Pontefract

If you would like to book an appointment or would like more information, please contact me:

Joanna Davies IIR Dip, MAR

Mobile:        07726 306696 (call or text)


(When emailing please add this address to your contacts so any responses don't go into your junk/spam or check your junk/spam folder)

Facebook:   Joanna Davies Reflexology & Reiki (or search @thatfootlady)

Instagram:   jodaviesreflexology


Prices for individual treatments:


60 minutes .... £39

90 minutes .... £56

Reiki (Usui):

60 minutes .... £38

Reiki (Karuna®):

50 minutes .... £43

Facial Reflexology:

50 minutes .... £40

Facial Reflexology with hot cloths & skin care:

60 minutes .... £45

Reflexology Lymph Drainage:

60 minutes .... £42


Prices for treatment combinations:

Reiki (Usui)/Foot Reflexology:     

60 minutes .... £39

90 minutes .... £56

Facial Reflexology/Foot Reflexology:

60 minutes .... £42

90 minutes .... £60

Facial Reflexology/Reiki:

60 minutes .... £42

90 minutes .... £60

Payment can be made by cash/bank transfer/card

All prices shown above are for treatments at my home treatment room
For mobile treatments additional charges will apply - please contact me for a quote

Opening Hours:

Monday to Thursday:




Saturday & Sunday*:


* I don't work every weekend, so if you would prefer a treatment on a weekend you may need to book well in advance

Gift vouchers make an ideal present for a friend or relative
Vouchers are available for full treatments/combinations or in denominations of £5, £10, £20, £50 or £100
Available as a card version or an e-voucher

Keep your body in fine fettle through your feet with Reflexology

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